Burning Sensation, Pain in the Knee Joint: Treatment, Causes

Prevent Burning Sensation in Knee Joint

Burning pain in the knees is an extremely annoying and distressing condition, which may prevent you from doing your routine activities. The sensation of burning is sometimes debilitating. You may feel as if a hot iron rod has been kept on the knee joint. The exact reason for the burning pain in the knee joint can be diagnosed after the orthopedic surgeon examines you.  Meanwhile, to alleviate the burning sensation and stabilize the knee joint, you can rely on knee braces. Wear them on both the knees.

Causes of Knee Pain and Burning Sensation

  • The pain and burning sensation in the knees is often caused due to the damage to the structures in and around the knee joint.
  • Wear and tear of knee joint cartilage is the most common reason.
  • The other cause can be ligament tear, bursitis.
  • Often, the characteristic burning sensation in the knee joint is due to Iliotibial band friction. It is a common cause for knee pain in athletes. Iliotibial band originates from the hip joint and runs all the way to the knee joint. It attaches at the lateral (outer) side of the knee. Together with quadriceps muscles of the thigh, Iliotibial band helps stabilize the knee while walking and running.
  • Overuse, difference in length of legs, increase in training practice, running on uneven roads are some of the causes for Iliotibial band friction and burning knee.

Treatment for Burning Sensation in Knee Joint

Knee brace allows support as well as mobility to the joint. The reduction of stress subsequently helps in decreasing the inflammation and thus reduces burning sensation.
With X-ray and MRI of the knee joint, it may be possible to detect the extent of damage to the ligament and meniscus.

  • When there is acute burning pain in the knee joint, rest, ice fomentation, compression with knee brace and elevation of the leg is advised.
  • Anti-inflammatory medication may alleviate inflammation and pain. You should consult your doctor before taking medication.
  • Once the acute symptoms have subsided, you may start physiotherapy exercise. However, you should stop your sport activities for few months.
  • Physiotherapy exercises help in regaining the strength and stability of the knee joint.
  • Quadriceps exercise: It is the best form of exercise to do at home. To start the exercise, sit on a firm surface. Sit with your legs straight so that they are positioned in front of you. Do not bend your legs at the knee joint. To exercise the left knee, place your left hand under the left knee joint. Press your left knee joint on your hand supporting the left leg. Slowly raise your left heel and let it remain in the air for 5 to 10 seconds before relaxing. This causes contraction of the quadriceps muscles that supports your knee joint. Follow the same procedure for the right leg.
  • If you find the above exercise difficult, you can keep a pillow below your left knee. This allows slight bending of the knee joint. Now, resting the knee on the pillow, try to lift your heel in the air, as far as you can. Let it remain in the air for about 5 seconds. Repeat the process for the right leg.
  • Lie on your back with one leg folded and the other parallel and straight. Raise the straight leg one foot above the ground and let it remain in that position for 10 seconds. Gently bring back the leg to its original position.
  • If you find any difficulty in these exercises, or find that the pain has increased, seek advice from a trained physiotherapist.