Effective Home Treatment for Rash from Chlorine Allergy

Rash from Chlorine

Chlorine is typically known as a skin irritant. A chlorine rash can occur following an exposure to the chemical. It is often associated with exposure to chlorinated water like in swimming pools or hot tubs. Preventing the rash includes avoiding or minimizing exposure to chlorine.

Swimming pool and hot tub water is usually infused with chlorine to retard bacterial growth. At the right limits chlorinated water won’t cause a reaction, but excessive amounts or prolonged exposure to the irritant can lead to a rash. Direct exposure to concentrated chlorines can also lead to a rash.

The symptoms of a chlorine rash include the following. These can last for only a few hours, but it can also last for a few days following exposure.

  • Itching, this can be localized or generalized.
  • Redness
  • Bumps on the skin
  • Dry Skin, some crusting on the top of the affected area may be present.

Chlorine Allergy

A rash that develops form exposure to chlorine or chlorinated water is a form of dermatitis, but in some cases chlorine exposure can lead to an allergic reaction. The signs of severe chlorine allergic include:

  • Breathing Problems – the patient may have swollen airways, which can make it difficult to breathe.
  • Swollen lips, face, or tongue
  • Dizziness
  • Syncope

These symptoms can appear immediately or a few minutes to a few hours following exposure to chlorine.

Patients need to seek immediate medical attention an allergic reaction to chlorine is suspected.

What are the Treatment for Chlorine Rash

The following treatments may be given to patients who have chlorine rash.

  • Anti-inflammatory Medication
  • Corticosteroids, these can help bring down the swelling and can also help to relieve the itching.

Home Care Treatment for a Chlorine Rash Includes:

  • Warm and cold compresses, as these can help to relieve the itching and can relieve the swelling.
  • Sitz bath or a starch bath, soaking in water with corn starch mixed in is a good way to help soothe the itching. This can be done in a bathtub for generalized itching or with a basin if only a small part of the body has a rash.
  • Aloe vera gel or fresh crushed aloe vera is a topical treatment that can help soothe the itchiness. It can be applied directly on the skin.


  • Bathing right after exposure to water that has high concentrations of chlorine.
  • Limit exposure to public pools and tubs with levels of chlorine.
  • Keep chlorine levels of the water in swimming pools at an acceptable level.