Valley fever is a fungal infection that is caused by coccidioides organisms. Mild cases, by and large, subside on their own without any treatment regimen. In more severe cases, the doctor prescribes anti-fungal drugs to treat the infection. Common manifestations are chest pain, fever, cough, breathlessness and difficulty while breathing.
The coccidioides species of fungi are commonly found in the soil of certain areas. Anything that disturbs the soil, such as construction, farming, or wind, makes these fungi enter the atmosphere. Consequently, when you breathe, you take in the fungi, which then enter the lungs. Valley fever usually begins as an acute infection; however, it can develop into a more serious disease, including chronic and disseminated coccidioidomycosis.
Coccidioides immitis or Coccidioides posadasii are the causative fungi; they flourish in alkaline desert soils of Nevada, southern Arizona, northern Mexico and California’s San Joaquin Valley. In the soil, the fungi grow as mold, having long filaments that break into air-borne spores when the soil gets disturbed. The spores are tiny, and can travel hundreds of miles by the wind. They are very contagious. When inhaled in to the lungs, the spores reproduce, completing the disease cycle.
Symptoms Of Valley Fever
Acute valley fever.
Acute coccidioidomycosis is usually mild, with very few symptoms. Clinical features develop 1 to 3 weeks after exposure.
- Fever with chills.
- Chest pain.
- Cough.
- Night sweats.
- Headache.
- Exhaustion.
- Breathlessness.
- Rash; red, painful bumps form, they turn brown later on.
- Joint pains.
Chronic valley fever.
In case coccidioidomycosis doesn’t resolve completely, it may progress in to a chronic form. This occurs in diabetics or those who have a weak immune system.
- Low grade fever.
- Cough with bloody sputum.
- Chest pain.
- Nodules in the lungs.
- Weight loss.
Home Remedies For Valley Fever
- Rest is the main aspect of the treatment. Most people do not need any treatment. However, careful monitoring is a must.
- If your symptoms do not improve; or they aggravate, or if you are going to develop complications, your doctor will prescribe anti-fungal drugs. These medications control the fungal infection, but sometimes do not completely obliterate them, and relapses are known to occur.
- Consuming plenty of fluids is very essential. Supportive treatment is crucial for speedy and quick recovery from valley fever.
- Supplement your diet with protein: soy milk, milk, yogurt, barley water, etc are good options. Protein boosts the working of the immune system and helps fight the fungus better.
- Turmeric is an excellent anti fungal. Add 1 tablespoon of turmeric powder to a glass of boiling water; and have this thrice daily. Curcumin found in turmeric helps battle the fungus effectively.
- Step up our intake of vitamin C. you may have a supplement; or plenty of vitamin C rich foods such as: limes, lemons, oranges, sweet limes, mangoes, papayas, etc.
- Herb Echinacea is another potent infection fighter, take a capsule, twice daily for 15 days; it will hasten recovery and accelerate infection fighting.
- A holy basil tea is also recommended. Boil 5 to 10 leaves of the holy basil in a cup of water; add a spoon of honey and consume. This decoction helps bring down the fever and eliminates the fungal infection with great effectiveness.