What Is Pectus Excavatum? Symptoms And Natural Home Remedies

Pectus excavatum is characterized by a breastbone that is sunken in to the chest. In extreme cases, it looks as if the center of the chest has been lifted out, leaving a deep indentation.

Severity of pectus excavatum usually increases during the adolescent growth spurt. The condition is commoner in boys than girls. Severe cases tend to hamper the functioning of the lungs and heart. Mild cases make children feel very embarrassed about their appearance. Surgery helps rectify the misshapenness.

The precise cause of pectus excavatum is yet not known, however, experts say that it is an inherited disorder; given that, it occasionally runs in families.

Signs And Symptoms Of Pectus Excavatum

For most people diagnosed with pectus excavatum, the only symptom or presenting feature may be an indentation in the chest. The indentation tends to worsen during early adolescence and may continue to aggravate in to adulthood.

In severe cases, the breastbone may press on to the lungs and heart, thereby, affecting their functioning. Manifestations in such cases include:

  • Reduced exercise tolerance and capacity.
  • Palpitations and rapid heartbeat.
  • Frequent and recurring respiratory tract infections.
  • Pain in the chest
  • Wheezing and coughing
  • Heart murmur
  • Exhaustion and lassitude

Natural Remedies For Pectus Excavatum

People who undertake surgery are pleased with the change in how the chest looks, no matter which procedure is used.

Optimal results can be attained when the surgery is carried out around the adolescent growth spurt, on the other hand, adults have also significantly benefitted from pectus excavatum repair surgery.

Those who aren’t interested in going in for or do not need surgical intervention, can manage the symptoms associated with pectus excavatum using these simple home remedies:

  • Pectus excavatum can be surgically remedied, however, surgical intervention is, by and large advised for those having moderate to severe clinical features of the condition. Mild cases are successfully managed by physical therapy. Physiotherapy improves posture and increases the degree to which the chest can expand, thus preventing chest pain and recurring infections.
  • Ginger and turmeric: It helps to treat and prevent frequent chest infections. Blend 1 spoon of powdered turmeric with 2 spoons of dried and powdered ginger root. Add a generous amount of honey. Consume this mix daily, once or twice. This helps ward off as well as control respiratory infections and makes sure you do not need to consume too much of allopathic drugs.
  • Dates: Have 4 to 5 dates daily; it helps boost tolerance levels appreciably and helps to effectively battle fatigue and exhaustion. Incorporate dates in to your everyday routine.
  • Berry smoothie: Start your day with a berry smoothie to stay energetic all day long. Berries are energy storehouses and supply you with a burst of energy and vitality. Blend together a cup of strawberries, half a cup of black berries, 1 orange and 1 lime. Have this blend every morning. It combats exhaustion and tiredness wonderfully.
  • Pranayama: It helps you to improve your lung capacity considerably and helps avert wheezing and chest pains too. Experts recommend ‘the equal breath’, ‘alternate nostril breathing’ and ‘the humming bee’ as the most effective and excellent breathing techniques to handle respiratory complaints related to pectus excavatum.
  • Homeopathy drugs such as Cactus, Arnica and Alfalfa help one deal with heart murmurs and palpitations exceedingly well.