Category: Alternative Therapies

  • Causes Of Swollen Thumb And Treatment For Swelling Of Thumb Joint

    Usually a swollen thumb is painful condition. Many people ignore the swelling in its initial stage, which may worsen as time passes. A swollen thumb may cause pain and discomfort if not timely intervened and may ultimately interfere in your day to day activities.

    There are several causes responsible for thumb swelling; some of them may heal after few days without any treatment, while others may require to be treated in order to reduce the pain and swelling. In order to treat swollen thumb it is important to know the reason behind the swelling.

    What Causes Swelling Of Thumb Joints?

    As mentioned earlier, there are several contributory factors responsible for swollen thumb; following are some of the common causes for thumb swelling.

    • Trauma and injury to the thumb, hand and wrist, is the most common cause for thumb swelling. Injury while playing or occupational injury to the thumb may cause swelling of thumb. Sometime an injury may cause fracture of the thumb bone. In such cases, X-ray of the thumb may be necessary to detect the fracture.
    • Overuse of thumb while text messaging or playing guitar and violin can put stress and strain on the thumb joint. It may result into swelling, pain and immobility of the thumb joint.
    • Arthritis and osteoarthritis of small joints may affect the thumb joint. It may lead to thumb swelling, pain and restricted thumb movement. Together with thumb, other fingers may also get affected with Arthritis.
    • Thumb tendonitis and bursitis can also cause inflammation and pain in the thumb. In thumb tendonitis, the tendon attached at the base of the thumb gets irritated due to repeated hand and wrist manipulation. In bursitis there is inflammation of the bursa, a space between the bones and ligaments.
    • Insect bites and stings can also cause thumb swelling. Local inflammation, itching, burning and swelling can result after an insect bite, it may persist for few hours before healing on its own.
    • Infection of the thumb can also cause its swelling. It can be a secondary infection due to trauma and cut on the thumb. If the patient is suffering from diabetes it is necessary to control his blood sugar.

    Treatment For Swollen Thumbs

    Since there are many reasons for swollen thumb, it is necessary to know the exact reason that has caused thumb swelling in order to plan its treatment. For example if the swelling is due to fracture of thumb bone, it needs an immediate medical treatment. Sometimes anti-inflammatory and painkiller medicine may be required to reduce the pain and swelling. Your doctor may apply splint and bandage to immobilize and restrict the movement of your thumb for healing the bone.

    If there is an infection and formation of pus, use of prescription antibiotics may become necessary for reducing the thumb swelling and pain. Though the treatment may be different for different causes, certain common methods may help to reduce the swelling of thumb.

    • Apply cold compress to the thumb area. Take few ice cubes in a clean towel and apply the towel to the swollen thumb for 10 to 15 minutes. Apply cold compress at least two to three times in a day to reduce swelling.
    • Rest: when the cause for swollen thumb is due to excessive overuse of thumb, there is no better treatment than giving rest to your thumb. For example if the reason of swelling is due to text messaging or due to playing guitar, try to take a break from your work, or abstain from such activities for few days until the swelling recedes.
    • Hot water fomentation: it is also considered to be an effective home remedy in reducing pain and swelling of thumb, especially in certain ailments such as arthritis of thumb joint. Pour warm water over the affected thumb for 10 minutes two to three times in a day.
    • Alternate warm and cold application may increase the blood circulation and thus reduce the swelling and pain.
    • Wearing a splint prevents unnecessary movement of the thumb and allows it to rest.
  • Benefits Of Ginger Tea For Morning Sickness: How To Make It?

    Almost 50% of all pregnant women experience episodes of morning sickness during their pregnancy. Morning sickness refers to pregnancy related nausea and vomiting, which is usually associated with alteration in the hormonal balance within the body, especially during the initial months of pregnancy.

    Usually the symptoms of morning sickness- nausea and vomiting- subside after three months, as the body gets used to the new hormonal level, however some women may suffer from the symptoms of morning sickness throughout pregnancy.

    Ginger is used to treat a wide range of gastrointestinal ailments including motion sickness, nausea and stomach upset.

    Ginger tea is considered to be one of the most effective ways of consuming ginger for medicinal and herbal purposes. Ginger tea is safe remedy for treatment of pregnancy related nausea and morning sickness.

    Ginger contains chemicals called zingerone. These zingerone bind to neural receptors, which are responsible for triggering symptoms associated with nausea, due to changes in the hormonal balance. Zingerone send confusing signals to the brain, which in turn prevents the sensation of nausea and vomiting.

    How To Make Fresh Ginger Tea From Ginger Root?

    Here are some tips on making ginger tea for morning sickness, so as to alleviate the symptoms and refresh your system,

    • Wash fresh ginger roots in warm water. One can use dried ginger roots as well, however they need to be stewed for slightly longer duration of time. Then peel off the skin and slice them to small pieces.
    • Now place the slices of ginger root into a mug.
    • Pour about a couple of glasses of boiling water into the mug and allow ginger to steep with the water for 15 to 20 minutes. Do not steep for longer, as it would make the tea bitter to taste. To make the tea stronger, add more ginger roots, instead of allowing it to steep longer.
    •  Strain the tea into a clean cup. Add about one table spoon of raw honey to sweeten the tea. Avoid sugar, as it is refined and can reduce the effectiveness of the ginger tea.
    • Consume when warm. One can add a few drops of lemon juice, pepper and salt if you desire.

    Note that ginger tea should be avoided if you suffer from gallstones, stomach ulcers or inflammatory conditions affecting the skin. Ginger is known to aggravate such conditions. Also limit the consumption of ginger tea to thrice a day. Consume ginger tea fresh and avoid storing the tea for longer than a couple of hours.

    Benefits Of Ginger Tea During Pregnancy

    Ginger tea is relatively safe option of dealing with morning sickness, which can be fairly distressing during the initial parts of pregnancy. Ginger tea can also help improve digestion, prevent gaseous distention and stomach upsets, which are common during the early parts of pregnancy.

    Consuming ginger tea regularly allows you to consume all kinds of food freely, without worrying out nausea and vomiting, which in turn is important to ensure that your child gets the nutrients and energy that are required for its growth and development.

    Avoid purchasing ginger teas that are available in health stores, since they contain other ingredients and preservatives as well, which may not agree with your system. Prepare fresh ginger tea at home.

  • Medicinal Uses Of Epazote Herb: 3 Health And Nutritive Benefits

    The nutritive and health benefits of the herb Epazote has been well known for centuries now; the Aztecs made use of it to cure a host of ailments and illnesses. Epazote is native to Central America, South America and Mexico. The herb is also known as wormseed, jesuits tea, pigweed and Mexican Tea.

    Epazote grows to a height of 3 feet and has rectangle-like shaped leaves which measure around 12 cm and fan out in an asymmetrical shape. The flowers are green and grow in clusters. The stems and the leaves of the herb provide the healing properties of epazote. Health benefits of the epazote include: perking up of digestion, elimination of worms and parasites treating amenorrhea and effectively managing malaria.

    Health Benefits Of Epazote Herb

    Epazote is a Mexican herb having a rather strong flavor and a gasoline like smell. Epazote has been used in Mexican cuisine for several hundred years; in fact, the Aztecs used it for culinary purposes as well as to treat various disorders and illnesses. Epazote is somewhat toxic in huge quantities, but, it has been used in moderation to treat abdominal discomfort effectively. It alleviates abdominal distension, flatulence, pain and cramps in the abdomen and also enhances digestion.

    It has a distinctive flavor in Mexican cuisine and is used to add flavor to an array of dishes, such as, soups, beans, salads, salsas, enchiladas and quesadillas. Older leaves of the herb have a stronger aroma and thus use it in moderation. Younger leaves tend to have a milder, but a richer aroma. The herb thrives in tropical and sub tropical zones and grows to a height of 2 to 3 feet.

    You can find Epazote in almost all Hispanic grocery stores or Latin markets. There are several online stores as well that sell dried epazote leaves, which is an acceptable option, in case, fresh herbs aren’t available.

    The herb is also called wormseed, given that, it helps prevent worms in animals and is frequently put in to animal feed for this reason.

    Epazote Herb Medicinal Uses

    The nutritive and health benefits of Epazote are numerous and vastly far reaching. The herb is loaded with vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin B complex, good quality proteins, iron, copper, calcium, phosphorous, potassium, zinc, and dietary fiber. Adding the herb to your daily menu will yield wonderful health benefits.

    The herb has been used extensively for the treatment and efficient management of:

    • Respiratory disorders, such as, bronchitis, asthma, catarrh, etc. It improves breathing and gets rid of mucus and phlegm. It is useful in cases of chest congestion as well.
    • Amenorrhea and menstrual irregularities can be handled well too.
    • Helps in the management of malaria and expedites the process of healing and recovery.
    • Occasionally, the herb has been used to treat chorea as well.
    • Chenopodium, an oil that is derived from the herb helps kill intestinal worms and parasites.
    • The epazote herb is used extensively in the treatment of gastric derangement and diseases. In fact, managing GI discomfort is one of the most important uses of the epazote. It helps in the treatment of a host of gastric disorders; it curbs flatulence, helps expel gas, and eases abdominal distension significantly; it peps up digestion and assimilation and keeps the GI tract working optimally.
    • Epazote also helps prevent several chronic diseases such as osteoporosis, Alzheimer’s disease, and anemia.
  • Nephrogenic Systemic Fibrosis Symptoms: Causes And Treatment

    Nephrogenic systemic fibrosis is a progressive disease which is usually chronic in nature. While the prevalence of the condition is fairly low, in some cases, partial to complete resolution is observed, without any specific therapy or treatment. Most experts believe that medical treatment of the condition is associated with unreliable results. The conventional treatment is not only expensive but in most cases, nonproductive.

    Cause Of Nephrogenic Systemic Fibrosis

    Nephrogenic systemic fibrosis is a condition characterized by fibrosis of the skin and internal organs, but is different from scleroderma. The condition is attributed to exposure to gadolinium (a contrast agent used for imaging studies in patients with poor renal functions) and there is evidence of the contrast present in the nephorgenic tissue.

    The condition is uncommon and the prevalence is fairly low. In a study conducted in Denmark, the condition had an estimated prevalence rate of 12 per million, the highest in the world. Other countries like France have laid down guidelines for the use of gadolinium and no cases have been reported since. No racial or sexual predisposition has been observed.

    Symptoms Of Nephrogenic Systemic Fibrosis

    Reports suggest that the condition is linked with increased mortality and morbidity. The condition can result in increased risk of contractures and fractures in patients within weeks of exposure, leading to most patients becoming dependent on a wheelchair for mobility.

    Some of the signs associated with the condition include,

    • Dark red patches on the skin. Itching and burning on the skin which is associated with swelling and hardening of the skin. In some cases subcutaneous nodules are also observed. Cellulitis may also be present with typical peau d’orange appearance of the skin. The skin is too shiny and hard to touch.
    • Yellowish spots on the sclera of the eyes. Yellowish discoloration is also observed on the trunk though the face is almost never involved.
    • Stiffness of the joints and trouble especially to move or attempting to straighten the joint.
    • Severe throbbing pain in the bones, especially the arms, wrists, hips and knees. The condition is also accompanied with generalized muscular weakness, which is attributed to formation of contractures and atrophy.

    Natural Treatment For Nephrogenic Systemic Fibrosis

    Unfortunately, modern medicine has little to offer in treatment of this condition. While there are host of treatment modalities, there is a clear lack of therapy prescription guidelines, which makes the treatment regimen ineffective.

    While there have been different specific treatments/ drugs aimed at improving the texture of the skin or improve joint mobility or enhancing renal functions, in most cases the treatment has been ineffective and incomplete as a whole.

    Alternative therapy can be useful and at times can help complement the treatment regimen recommended by physicians. Some of the home remedies/ natural treatment options include,

    • Add two teaspoon of honey and turmeric to a glass of milk and consume three times a day. Honey and turmeric have anti-inflammatory properties and can help in regression of fibrosis of the tissue, especially the skin and muscle tissue. Alternatively local application of turmeric paste may also be useful.
    • Homeopathic drugs namely Bryonia and Rhus Tox can help alleviate the joint pain and generalized muscular weakness. Consumption of these medicines in low potency and repeated four times a day can help improve mobility. Simple and complementary physical therapy should help hasten recovery and ensure mobility.
  • How To Get Rid Of Cryptic Tonsils? Symptoms & Surgical Treatment

    Cryptic tonsillitis occurs when the tonsils develop small pits or holes called crypts. These pits tend to trap food and even form tonsilliths (tonsil stones). These stones comprise of food particles, bacteria and dead cells; and carry a disagreeable odor.

    The condition is rather unpleasant and uncomfortable, and occasionally even dangerous, if the stones get too big and occlude the flow of air.

    Symptoms Of Cryptic Tonsils

    Characteristic symptoms of cryptic tonsils include:

    • Soreness and pain in the throat.
    • The tonsils are swollen, enlarged and painful. There will be inflammation and / or infection.
    • Difficulty in swallowing; depending on the severity of the case, you may not be able to swallow solids and / or liquids
    • Halitosis or bad breath is a significant sign of the condition.
    • There will be white debris at the back of the mouth and in the throat.
    • Fever may be occasionally.
    • Malaise and body pain.
    • Ear pain is an associated feature too.

    How To Get Rid Of Cryptic Tonsils?

    If, the case is not too severe, your health care provider may ask you to wait and watch and follow up with your symptoms.

    Alongside, he may recommend salt water gargles to manage the throat pain and to help deal with difficulty whilst swallowing. Salt water eases the discomfort and fights infection.

    • Antibiotics may be prescribed to battle the infection and prevent a progression of the condition.
    • Talk to your healthcare provider and start a vitamin C supplement. Vitamin C is very essential for good oral health and to fight off infections. 2 doses of vitamin C supplement per day for about 10 days is advocated.
    • Homeopathy offers excellent results for cryptic tonsils. Homeopathy drugs such as – Merc Sol, Baryta Carb and Drosera proffer quick, effective and brilliant solution to cryptic tonsils. These medicines battle infections and help to reduce the inflammation, swelling and pain in the tonsils, handle halitosis and eliminate throat and body pain.

    Surgical Treatment For Cryptic Tonsils

    Surgical intervention is necessary in some cases of tonsillar crypts. Your doctor may advise you to remove the stones surgically and to excise the tonsillar tissue too. Discuss your options with your doctor and understand what is best for you. In certain cases, your surgeon will carry out a relatively simple procedure using a local numbing agent to get rid of the tonsillar calculi. Then you may not need general anesthesia.

    Tonsil calculi are fairly common in those who have chronic tonsillitis, hence, the only way to deal with them effectively is via tonsillectomy. This procedure gets rid of the tonsils completely, thus eliminating the likelihood of calculi formation. A tonsillectomy is usually done under general anesthesia. When you undergo the surgery, you will have some difficulty swallowing for a couple of days after the procedure.

    By and large, doctors recommend tonsillectomy – complete removal of the tonsils to manage tonsillar crypts. This procedure, as effective as it may be, is decidedly painful and uncomfortable postoperatively, and complete recovery takes 1 to 2 months.

    A substitute to tonsillectomy is having your tonsils shriveled up through a procedure known as somnoplasty. The doctor will introduce small needle electrodes in to your tonsils and release an energy wave that will burn away the tonsil tissue. The tonsils begin to shrink and shrivel up on their own.

    Confer with your health care provider about your best treatment options and recovery.

  • Natural Remedies For Rib Swelling And Pain: What are its Causes?

    Swelling, inflammation and pain of the rib is seen rather frequently; however, most cases have no obvious cause. In these cases, the treatment focuses on allaying the swelling and pain while you wait for the condition to improve on its own.

    Pain and swelling is known to afflict more than one rib, and the pain aggravates when you take deep breaths or whilst coughing.

    What Causes Swelling Of The Ribs?

    Most cases do not have an apparent cause. Occasionally, these causes have been identified.

    • Trauma: Blow or some sort of injury to the chest.
    • Physical strain: Lifting heavy weights, strenuous exercise and severe coughing.
    • Arthritis: Osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis are also known to trigger swelling of the rib.
    • Infection: The rib joint may get infected by bacteria, virus or fungi; e.g. T.B., syphilis and aspergillosis.
    • Tumor: Benign and malignant tumors can make a rib get inflamed and swollen.

    Natural Remedies To Treat Swelling Ribs

    When you have pain in the ribs it is advisable to visit your health care provider and understand the possible cause of the condition. Your doctor will feel along the breastbone and ribs for areas of swelling and tenderness.

    While there are no laboratory or imaging tests to verify the diagnosis; your health care provider may order certain investigations like a chest X-ray or an electrocardiogram.

    Swelling and inflammation of a rib tends to go away on its own, although in some cases it could last for several months.

    • Ice application: When you first notice the swelling and pain, apply ice, during the first 48 hours; place the ice bag, over the affected area for 10 minutes, several times during the day.
    • Heat: Thereafter, place hot compresses to the painful area; it will assuage some of the pain.
    • Rest: Steer clear of all activities that aggravate the pain.
    • OTC drugs: In cases of excruciating pain, you may have over the counter pain medications.
    • Ginger: Is an excellent home remedy to manage most kinds of pains. Ginger is packed with a compound known as gingerols, which battle inflammation effectively; consequently, swelling and pain diminish. Have a glass of ginger tea, 3 to 4 times daily.
    • Turmeric: Turmeric is another wonderful home remedy that works faster than most OTC medicines as well as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Have 1 spoon of powdered turmeric with one spoon of honey every night. Turmeric allays pain and discomfort and also fights off infections.
    • NSAIDs: When over the counter drugs fail to afford any relief; your physician may prescribe non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
    • Narcotics: In really extreme cases, your health care provider may even have to prescribe medications containing codeine.
    • Anti-depressants: Tricyclic anti-depressants are used to manage chronic pain, particularly if it’s keeping you awake at night.
    • Physiotherapy and stretching exercises: Confer with your doctor and physical therapist about starting exercises. Gentle range-of-motion exercises have proved to be of immense help.
    • Nerve stimulation: In a procedure known as transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation, an apparatus sends weak electrical current via adhesive patches on the skin near the area of pain. This hampers or masks the pain signals, not allowing them to reach the brain.
    • If conservative measures fail to work, your doctor may recommend injecting numbing drugs and corticosteroids directly in to the painful joint.