Cellulitis is a term used when the skin and its underlying subcutaneous tissue become inflamed due to an infection, mainly by bacteria. Cellulitis on nose is not uncommon; many people suffer from this discomforting problem. The condition when present typically involves the front portion of nose. The anterior part of nose becomes swollen, red, shiny and tender.
Cellulitis is largely caused by staphylococcal and streptococcal bacteria. Cellulitis on nose can develop at any age and in both genders. The bacteria can enter into the skin and soft tissue through minor cuts and bruises on nose and its surrounding area. As soon as the bacteria enter into the nasal skin, they begin to multiply eventually leading to infection.
Infection causing nasal cellulitis has to be treated as soon as possible, because it can spread fast into the sinuses and in worst cases in the brain. Treatment involves antibiotics, anti inflammatory drugs and cold compresses.
What Causes Cellulitis Of The Nose?
Majority cases of cellulitis on nose are caused due to staphylococcus and streptococcus bacteria. It may occur after an insect bite, or cut and scrape on the nose. An injury on nose while swimming in seawater or freshwater poses considerable risk for development of cellulitis on nose. People playing certain sports where the risk of injury on nose is considerably high, can be one of the factor for nasal cellulitis.
During an injury, if the nasal skin is exposed to dirt, the risk of cellulitis increases many fold. Cellulitis is common among girls who pierce their nose. This practice is common in certain parts of world. Bacteria causing impetigo around the nose can infiltrate the nasal skin when he mistakenly scratches the nasal skin. People suffering from diabetes and those with weak immune system are more prone to develop nasal cellulitis.
Symptoms Of Nasal Cellulitis
Cellulitis can develop anywhere on the body. It can also develop on nose. The most obvious symptom of cellulitis on nose is pain. Usually the front portion of nose is involved. It becomes red and painful. Cellulitis spreads quickly and soon it can spread all over the nose.
Because of infection the nose is swollen and nasal skin appears like an orange peel. It feels hot when touched. Headache is an associated symptom. It can spread to periorbital area. Due to infection patient may also have other symptoms such as fever, chill and increased pulse rate. All these symptoms of nasal cellulitis can lead to intense irritation and pain. Cellulitis on nose can spread in sinuses if left untreated and in worst cases in the brain which may result in meningitis.
Treatment For Cellulitis Of The Nose
The management of cellulitis on nose has to be quick and efficient. Since infection in the subcutaneous tissue underneath nasal skin can spread easily, there is always risk of associated complications such as infection in the sinuses and in the brain. The infection can spread locally or through the bloodstream.
As soon as cellulitis is diagnosed, antibiotics are main line of treatment to curtail its spread and at the same time cure the infection. Together with antibiotics, patient is often prescribed anti inflammatory medicines to alleviate pain and swelling.
Cold fomentation is useful to reduce pain and inflammation. It should begin soon after the first sign of cellulitis on nose. Dip a clean cloth in a bowl containing cold water. Squeeze extra water and place the cloth on nose. Remove it as the cloth dries. Follow the procedure two to three times in a day.