
  • What is the Recipe of Warm Water Enema for Severe Constipation

    Warm Water Enema

    Enema is a method of cleansing the colon by introducing certain forms of liquid into the anus. This is often necessary when there are toxic elements that have been accumulated in the large intestines or the liver. With this, enemas are done to protect the body from the effects of harmful substances.

    Warm water enema is carried out when there is spasms and tension within the bowel. In this case, warm water with a temperature of 99 degrees Fahrenheit is used. However, for those who have weaker colon, the water temperature can be a bit colder at about 75 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit. The warm water would help the bowel to relax.

    Warm Water Enema Recipe

    The following recipe can be mixed with warm water for a better and more effective cleansing of the colon:

    • Coffee Enema – Add one tablespoon of coffee grounds into the warm water. When introducing the solution, make use of a bag with bigger nozzle to facilitate the passage of the coffee grounds.
    • Lemon Juice Enema – Lemon’s juice are known to be effective in cleaning up the colon and removing stuck feces. To do this, add a third cup of pure lemon juice per quart of warm water.
    • Salt Water Enema – Salt helps in minimizing the transfer of solution in and out of the large intestines. This will hinder the movement of water into the bladder and kidneys. The process would only need one to add one tablespoon of salt in every quart of warm water.

    Warm Water Enema for Constipation

    Severe and chronic constipation can be effectively cured with warm water enema. Cleansing the colon with a warm water solution can provide refreshment and relaxation in this part of the body. The following are simple steps to follow.

    • First, prepare a fountain syringe which can be obtained from any local drug store.
    • Fill this syringe with warm water at about 100 degrees Fahrenheit in temperature. This would relax the colon, helping it accommodate a great volume of enema without intense cramping.
    • Hang the enema bag about 20 inches higher than the rectum. Open the clamp to fill the tube with the solution and expel the air in the tubing.
    • Assume a side-lying position facing the left side, and then insert the nozzle gently into the anus.
    • Open the clamp of the hose so the solution can enter the colon. If severe discomfort or cramping is felt, reduce the flow of water by lowering down the bag. Once this subsides, the process can be continued until all or most of the solution has been introduced.
    • Hold the solution for about ten minutes before expelling it into the toilet.
  • Musty Smelling Urine: Causes of Cloudy and Musty Smell from Urine

    Cloudy Musty Smelling Urine Causes

    If you find yourself with musty smelling urine, you might want to schedule a visit to your doctor soon. Here are some of the ailments that can be one of the causes of musty smelling urine

    • If you find that you have cloudy musty smelling urine, there is a chance that you are suffering from metabolic disorders like an ailment called phenylketonuria (PKU).
    • This is an indicator of liver problems or liver diseases.
    • Bacterial infection in the urinary tract can also cause urine odor.
    • Caused by the food that enters the body so this may not be a cause for worry.
    • Eating asparagus can make your urine smell musty.

    What To Do For Musty Smelling Urine

    If experiencing pungent musty smell in urine, here are some tips to help remedy it:

    • First determine whether you have eaten something that made your urine smell that way or certain medications or supplements have been taken to make urine cloudy and musty smelling.
    • Visit a doctor to get proper diagnosis. Once you are diagnosed, you will be given the appropriate medication for what you are suffering from.
    • Take medications to help treat this, and these include Bumex, Burinex, and Bumetanide that are usually prescribed for liver or kidney problems.
    • Avoid alcohol and excess salt and sugar when you are being treated for liver problems.
    • Drink adequate amount of water to reduce the likelihood and severity of urine odor and other underlying problems.
  • Are Blueberry Allergy Common Also What are the Symptoms and Treatment

    An allergy to blueberry could occur at any time in a person’s life. For instance, a person might be allergic to blueberries since birth. Still, it is also possible that a person who has been fine with eating blueberries can suddenly develop an allergy.

    It is important to understand the symptoms of blueberry allergy so that the patient is forewarned should these happen to them. Of course, the symptoms will only appear after eating food with blueberry or drinking blueberry juice or extracts. The following are the symptoms to watch out for:

    • Rashes or hives.
    • Breathing troubles such as wheezing.
    • Nasal congestion.
    • Itchy skin.
    • Stomach pain.
    • Swelling of the face, feet, and/or hands.
    • Swollen tongue.
    • Dizziness or fainting.
    • Vomiting and/or diarrhea.
    • Rapid heart rate.
    • High blood pressure.
    • Anaphylactic shock. This is the reason why allergies should not be taken lightly because they can be very fatal.

    Blueberry Allergy Hives

    Hives may sometimes develop when the person is allergic to blueberries.

    • It is possible that the hives may just be mild but could also become very severe, depending on the person’s reaction to the allergy.

    Are Blueberry Allergies Common

    • Blueberry allergies are not very common. Not too many people are affected by this problem.
    • Still, children below 9 months old should not be given blueberries or food with blueberry extracts/components. The reason for this is that they can develop an allergy easily and their bodies are not yet able to digest the components of blueberry.

    Blueberry Allergy Treatment

    • There is not direct treatment for the allergy itself but the patient may be administered antihistamines.
    • The patient must seek medical assistance. The doctor will know what to give the patient as treatment of the allergy.
  • Burning Sensation, Pain in the Knee Joint: Treatment, Causes

    Prevent Burning Sensation in Knee Joint

    Burning pain in the knees is an extremely annoying and distressing condition, which may prevent you from doing your routine activities. The sensation of burning is sometimes debilitating. You may feel as if a hot iron rod has been kept on the knee joint. The exact reason for the burning pain in the knee joint can be diagnosed after the orthopedic surgeon examines you.  Meanwhile, to alleviate the burning sensation and stabilize the knee joint, you can rely on knee braces. Wear them on both the knees.

    Causes of Knee Pain and Burning Sensation

    • The pain and burning sensation in the knees is often caused due to the damage to the structures in and around the knee joint.
    • Wear and tear of knee joint cartilage is the most common reason.
    • The other cause can be ligament tear, bursitis.
    • Often, the characteristic burning sensation in the knee joint is due to Iliotibial band friction. It is a common cause for knee pain in athletes. Iliotibial band originates from the hip joint and runs all the way to the knee joint. It attaches at the lateral (outer) side of the knee. Together with quadriceps muscles of the thigh, Iliotibial band helps stabilize the knee while walking and running.
    • Overuse, difference in length of legs, increase in training practice, running on uneven roads are some of the causes for Iliotibial band friction and burning knee.

    Treatment for Burning Sensation in Knee Joint

    Knee brace allows support as well as mobility to the joint. The reduction of stress subsequently helps in decreasing the inflammation and thus reduces burning sensation.
    With X-ray and MRI of the knee joint, it may be possible to detect the extent of damage to the ligament and meniscus.

    • When there is acute burning pain in the knee joint, rest, ice fomentation, compression with knee brace and elevation of the leg is advised.
    • Anti-inflammatory medication may alleviate inflammation and pain. You should consult your doctor before taking medication.
    • Once the acute symptoms have subsided, you may start physiotherapy exercise. However, you should stop your sport activities for few months.
    • Physiotherapy exercises help in regaining the strength and stability of the knee joint.
    • Quadriceps exercise: It is the best form of exercise to do at home. To start the exercise, sit on a firm surface. Sit with your legs straight so that they are positioned in front of you. Do not bend your legs at the knee joint. To exercise the left knee, place your left hand under the left knee joint. Press your left knee joint on your hand supporting the left leg. Slowly raise your left heel and let it remain in the air for 5 to 10 seconds before relaxing. This causes contraction of the quadriceps muscles that supports your knee joint. Follow the same procedure for the right leg.
    • If you find the above exercise difficult, you can keep a pillow below your left knee. This allows slight bending of the knee joint. Now, resting the knee on the pillow, try to lift your heel in the air, as far as you can. Let it remain in the air for about 5 seconds. Repeat the process for the right leg.
    • Lie on your back with one leg folded and the other parallel and straight. Raise the straight leg one foot above the ground and let it remain in that position for 10 seconds. Gently bring back the leg to its original position.
    • If you find any difficulty in these exercises, or find that the pain has increased, seek advice from a trained physiotherapist.
  • How To Treat A Hyperextended Elbow? Its Causes And Symptoms

    Hyperextended elbow occurs suddenly and without any prior warning. It commonly occurs in individuals who take part in contact sports such as football. The pain associated with the injury affects one’s ability to play sports, as well as, makes day to day activities a huge challenge.

    The elbow joint comprises of 3 bones – the humerus, the radius and the ulna. Elbow hyperextension takes place when the structures which attach the bones get pushed past their normal range of movement. Fundamentally, the elbow gets twisted too far in the wrong direction from a straightened position. The condition may trigger ligament or tissue damage and can momentarily hinder full movement of the joint.

    Hyperextension Of Elbow Causes And Symptoms

    The chief cause for hyperextended elbow is a direct blow / trauma to the elbow backwards. This causes bruising to the bony as well as soft tissue structures. The main cause for the occurrence of an elbow hyperextension is that the structures connecting the humerus, radius and ulnar get pressed beyond the normal range of movement. Doctors who work in sports medicine very often see hyperextended elbows in athletes and have developed a host of treatment regimens.

    Hyperextended elbow is characterized by the following symptoms:

    • Pain and tenderness, such that movement is not possible.
    • Muscle spasms and extreme pain on trying to straighten the arm.
    • Swelling and inflammation around the elbow.
    • Stiffness and tingling numbness.

    How To Treat A Hyperextended Elbow?

    • The health care provider will first and foremost try to manage the pain and discomfort. Over-the-counter pain medication for severe discomfort is recommended.
    • Next, it is crucial to manage the swelling and inflammation promptly. Apply ice pack to the affected area. Ice helps allay the swelling and inflammation quickly. Warp ice cubes in a cloth and place on the elbow for 5 minutes about 3 to 4 times a day.
    • Have 2 to 3 glasses of ginger tea daily for about a week. Ginger is packed with a compound called gingerols which reduces swelling and inflammation almost immediately and thus it will help allay all pain and discomfort.
    • In severe cases, when you experience extensive pain while moving your arm to straighten the joint, the physician may advise immobilizing the arm by wearing a sling. Your doctor may also advocate using an elbow brace for better immobilization and stability.
    • After the worst of the pain has diminished, the next aspect of the treatment can commence. Your doctor will advise physical therapy for a period of 2 weeks. Physical therapy will help enhance your range of motion and reduce stiffness considerably. After completing your exercises sessions, you can start with resistance training using weights to augment strength in the muscles around the elbow.
    • By and large, the damage heals in a few days, and thereafter you can recommence your usual activities. Severe injuries will heal in about a month.

    In very rare cases of elbow hyperextension, surgical intervention may be required to mend damaged ligaments that cannot heal on their own.

  • Arm Massage Techniques and Procedure: Benefits of Hand And Arm Massage

    Those involved in jobs that call for excessive use of the arms, hands, and wrists; there will be undue stress, pain and tension in them. An arm and hand massage helps alleviate this discomfort easily.

    Hand And Arm Massage Procedure And Techniques

    • Lie on the back; and place 1 pillow below the knees, and a 2nd pillow under the head.
    • Pour oil on the hands and spread evenly over the fingers and palms. Rub the oil up the wrist towards the forearm, up to the top of the shoulder and nape of the neck. Go over the entire procedure for 5 times.
    • Use an overlapping motion to massage the wrists, forearm and shoulders. Then, repeat on the under-side of the arm.
    • Bend the arm at the elbow and move the fingers down to the elbow in a fluid motion.
    • Repeat 5 times.
    • Using the thumbs, massage the arm from the elbow to the under arm, using your thumbs. With each repetition, gradually increase the pressure.

    Hand and Arm Massage Benefits

    • A massage relieves stress, pain and discomfort in the arms, hands, and wrists. A massage also resolves issues related to arthritis and poor blood circulation. The massage peps up blood circulation and rapidly eases sprains and strains.
    • An arms and hand massage gives you a relaxing and soothing experience, especially, if you are looking for instant solutions.
    • More importantly, with this massage technique you can decrease pressure and tension knots in the neck, scalp and chest, due to circulatory / nervous disorders.
  • Natural Treatment and Cures to Manage Baker’s Cyst

    Baker’s Cyst Management

    There are several steps that can be done to manage baker’s cyst and help relieve patients of the pain and discomfort that are experienced.

    • The cysts usually will go away in time and would often not require any form of treatment. This is true for those cysts that are asymptomatic. What is needed to relieve pain and discomfort may be just a good amount of rest and leg elevation.
    • Anti-inflammatory and pain reliever drugs that can be bought over the counter can be taken to reduce the swelling and control pain.
  • Wart On Scalp Home Remedies: Its Causes And How To Remove It?

    Warts are universal skin problem affecting young and adults of both genders. They are skin overgrowth caused by various types of human papilloma virus (HPV). Warts are the most common clinical manifestation of HPV infection, occurring on virtually any cutaneous surface, most frequently on the hands, feet, legs, genitals, face and even on the scalp. They appear as tiny raised rough or smooth bumps, sometimes elongated projections on the skin surface. Warts may develop as a single lesion or there may appear in clusters.

    Warts in general are non cancerous skin growths and do not pose any health risk. They are asymptomatic, however when present on scalp, accidental scraping or a cut may lead to bleeding and infection. Warts on scalp usually are not visible to others as the hair covers it, but a person having it may find it annoying while combing or washing his hair.

    Scalp warts appear as fine finger like projection, a characteristic feature of filiform type of warts. Most warts regress spontaneously over a period of time. There are several treatment options to get rid of warts which range from chemical cauterization to effective home remedies.

    What Causes Warts On Your Scalp?

    Warts are caused by a type of virus called human papilloma virus (HPV). Infection always originates from persons who harbor the virus. Infection occurs through cuts and breaks in the skin as a result of close contact with the infected person.

    The other mode of transmission is autoinoculation in case of warts on scalp. Shaving or cuts and scrapes on scalp can result in spread of warts to the adjoining skin area. This is called autoinoculation. Warts are caused by number of types of HPV. For example HPV type 1, 2, 4 and 26 causes filiform and common warts. While anogenital warts are caused by HPV type 6 and 11.

    Warts on scalp usually develop in adults, but children can also get infected with the virus. Once the virus enters the body, it may take 1 to 3 months for the wart to develop. Warts can spread from one area of the body to another. A person having low immunity is more susceptible to develop warts.

    How To Remove Warts On Scalp?

    Warts on scalp can be tender and painful when you comb your hair. Most warts regress suddenly after a period of time. Many people seek treatment as they may appear ugly when present on scalp. There are several ways to remove warts present on scalp; the conventional approach is chemical cauterization, cryotherapy, elctrocautery, and laser treatment. Home remedies are found effective and they are economic.

    • Chemical treatment consists of applying salicylic acid, lactic acid, cantharidin etc. These chemicals are applied in the office of a doctor 2 to 3 times in a week. After few weeks the warts disappear.
    • Cryotherapy: Cryotherapy with liquid nitrogen is a favorite for removal of warts on scalp. The wart is frozen with liquid nitrogen. It is done once in two to three weeks. In some cases only one sitting may be required. The skin over warts become dead and over a period of time the wart falls off.
    • Pulsed dye laser has become popular recently for removal of warts, including warts on scalp.

    Home Remedies For Scalp Warts

    Home remedies and alternative remedies useful for scalp warts are:

    • Onion: Peel the skin of onion and cut it into equal half. Now rub the cut surface on the warts. Do it two times in a day for optimal benefit.
    • Garlic: Place a garlic clove on the wart and keep it overnight. Wrap the clove with a tape or a bandage and remove the clove in the morning. Follow the procedure every night. It may take few days to few weeks for the wart to disappear.
    • Apple cider vinegar is beneficial in number of ailments. It is also effective in treatment of warts of scalp. Pour a few drops of vinegar on a cotton ball till it becomes significantly wet. Rub the cotton ball on the wart in circular motion for few minutes. After few days of its application you may find the wart has disappeared completely from the scalp.
    • Homeopathic medicine Thuja is proven for getting rid of warts. Apply mother tincture of Thuja on scalp warts regularly.
  • How To Safely Remove Hair From Balls Or Testicles

    Genitals are extra sensitive compared to other parts of the body. Removing hair from genitals or manscaping can be a very scary thing to do. Many are scared of possible nick and cuts on their private parts. However, there really is nothing to be scared about if one is careful and calm while removing pubic hair. Here are some ways to safely remove hair from the pubic region, especially on the balls:

    • Shaving. This may be the easiest way to have a clean, smooth finish. Just make sure that the blades are fresh and new.

    Blunt blades would not do any good. One may also use personal shavers, intimate shavers, or pubic shavers instead of ordinary shavers, as they are specifically designed for the pubic areas. Shaving is associated with higher risk of cuts and also increases the risk of in-growth of pubic hair.

    • Trimming. This is only to cut down the length of pubic hair, and not totally remove the hairs. It is advised to use sharp scissors and avoid blunt, rusty ones. Trimming however reduces the risk of cuts or in-growth of pubic hair.

    What Is The Best Way To Remove Hair From Testicles?

    The best and most convenient way of totally removing hair from the testicles is through shaving. Waxing is not advisable as the skin around this area is too loose and will cause pain.

    So here are some tips and ways on how to safely remove hair from testicles:

    • Prepare the razors. Make sure that the blades are fresh and new. Old razors tend to be blunt and ineffective in shaving away all the hair strands.
    • Choose a shaving cream best for sensitive skin. One may also opt to use hair conditioners to lubricate the genital area. Shaving creams or conditioners should be hypoallergenic since the genital areas are more sensitive compared to other parts of the body.
    • Take a warm bath. Warm baths can smoothen and soften the hairs and can make shaving easier. Make sure to exfoliate well using sponge or loofah to unclog pores and prevent ingrown hairs in the future.
    • Trim if the pubic hairs are long and bushy with sharp scissors. Trim until the hairs are about half an inch long so that shaving can be easier.
    • Shave starting from the shaft towards the upper region of the genitals with downward strokes. As for the testicles, shave going upwards, against the hair growth.
    • After shaving, rinse well and moisturize. Moisturizing can help irritations and itchy sensations. Dusting the pubic region can also prevent chafing.
    • After shaving also wash the area with warm water and add a few drops of tea tree oil to it. Tea tree oil is a natural antiseptic and also hastens healing of small cuts and bruises on the skin, which might have occurred during the shaving. Direct local application should be ideally avoided. Alternatively on could use diluted Salvon or Dettol solutions to prevent infections.
  • Bad Or Foul Ear Smell: Causes, Home Remedies For Ear Smell, Odordr

    The human ear is not just a flap of skin and cartilage, as many people believe, but it is nature’s skilful craftsmanship, delicately engineered for purpose of hearing sound. It also helps keep the equilibrium of our body. As with any other body organ, disorders of the ear are common, but in most cases they are not fatal. Foul smell emitted from the ear is commonly associated with ear infection, though it is not the only cause. A smelly ear may not have severe health repercussions, but it can definitely put a person in a compromising situation.

    You must clean your ears regularly and treat ear infection without neglecting it to prevent bad ear odor.

    Why Does My Ear Smell Bad?

    Even though foul smell from the ear is blamed on bacterial infection, there are several other contributing factors for a smelly ear. They are ear wax, Cholesteatoma, infections, unhygienic conditions and tumor.

    1. Ear Infection: The most common cause for foul smelling discharge is ear infection. Ear infection can be either bacterial or fungal in origin. In bacterial ear infection, there is a thick yellow foul smelling discharge from the ears. Sometimes the discharge becomes greenish yellow, especially if the infection turns chronic. Bacterial infection is usually common in the middle ear and the outer ear. Fungal infection can also cause smelly ears. The discharge during a fungal infection is thin and smelly with marked itching in the ear. Ear infection is common after an acute bout of cold and influenza. It can also be a result of ear drum perforation.
    2. Cholesteatoma: It is the destructive keratin (horny) growth or mass present in middle ear or in the mastoid process. Cholesteatoma may be present from birth or could be formed as a result of recurrent middle ear infection. Untreated Cholesteatoma can cause destruction of the small bones of middle ear and the skull bone. Strong offensive odor with purulent discharge is the characteristic of Cholesteatoma.
    3. Swimmer ear: It is a type of bacterial infection in the ear common in swimmers as a result of the water getting trapped in the ear passage. Foul smelling discharge from ears can be caused by swimmers ear.
    4. Ear wax: Secretion of ear wax is a normal physiological process. It protects the inner ear and the eardrum from injuries and invading organisms. Ear wax has a chemical that helps repel insects from entering the ear canal. Sometimes, because of the concentration of this chemical in the wax, the ear may emit a foul smell. Presence of dead cells or bacteria in the wax can also cause smelly ears.
    5. Bad hygiene: If you do not clean your ears regularly, there are chances of ear infection and foul smelling ear discharge. Ear funk or ear cheese caused by build-up of shampoo, soap, and some dead skin cells may produce the foul smelling odor in your ear.
    6. Cancer of the Ear: Though rare, it can cause ulceration and destruction of surrounding tissue leading to bad odor from the ears.

    Treatment and Home Remedies for Foul Ear Smell

    It is always important to know the cause of a foul smelling ear before you treat it. Here are some simple home remedies to get rid of bad ear smell:

    • Clean ears regularly. It is the basic step in getting rid of the cheesy odor. You should gently wipe and clean your ears every day to avoid the buildup of dirt and sebum that could be a cause of bad smell later.
    • Ear drops prepared from diluted white vinegar are effective in keeping the ear dry. It also acts as an antiseptic solution.
    • The choice of antibiotic ear drops is always preferred when the infection is bacterial in origin. At times when the infection is substantially severe, your doctor may also prescribe oral anti-bacterial medications.
    • Eating food with high nutritional value always helps boost your immunity. Maintain healthy immunity to ward off infections naturally.
    • Make the ear wax soft and lose before you attempt to remove it. To do this, put a few drops of warm mineral oil in your ear passage and let it remain for few hours by plugging the ear with a simple and clean cotton ball.
    • Dip a Q-tip in rubbing alcohol and clean the outside ear canal once every week in a gentle manner. It helps clean the accumulated dirt and grime.